A. palmatum 'Kagero' {gossamer}, Vertrees' 2nd edition. H 15' x W 21' {H 5m. x W 7m.}. In full sun, well branched, and easily grown. Pic 1 -Oct.17/07. Pics 2 and 3 - Oct.28/07. Pic 4 - Oct.30/07. Pic 5 - Nov.5/07.
Variegation is not obvious from your pics, but it is a fine looking tree The solid yellow leaves are very striking Have you tried growing this one from cuttings?
As chance would have it Guy Maillot recently sent me a picture of kagero, from his website I assume. It shows a beautiful variegation. He says (my translation from French): "In Europe there is an enormous mix up, thus the kagero for sale everywhere is not variegated although the real one is splendidly splashed with yellow. See attached." I hope the attached shows the true form, and apologize to M. Maillot for using his words and picture without permission. -E
That pic is more like I would have expected Emery I don't see the plant listed anywhere in Europe that I have checked Have you a source?
Sam, Maillot seems to have a 1.5 l pot available: http://www.maillot-erable.com/acer_kagero-503.php BTW, and unrelated, the Villa Taranto seeds did not mature. There were lots, then none. Maybe next year... -E
Thanks Emery .. I will have a look Disappointed to hear about the seeds, but, as you say, maybe next year .....
No Sam, haven't tried cuttings, but maybe it would show it's noted characteristics better on it's own roots. Haven't noticed any variegation similar to the pic posted by Emery. Would be very happy if it developed those variegations, maybe with time. Expect the tree may not be showing it's variegation because of rootstalk or the soil being too fertile. Wondering if it is one of those that starts easily from cuttings, maybe next year, or possibly worth air layering. Included pic # 2 is from mid September, but maybe just early fall colour, although it seemed to be just the new growth being yellow and later the new growth was more reddish as previously pictured #2 {temperature ?}. Didn't put it up before because of poor quality. Believe it's labeled properly, but haven't seen any others with which to compare it . Some refererence to it in this thread www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=7607 and Andre mentions "Kagero = very fine". Looking at Emery's pic , would think it might be better placed in shade to avoid burning, although the leaves do seem to be of good texture and no burning noticed here, and probably best planted in less fertile ground than the tree shown here. Nice selection available over there. Maybe someone more experienced would have some suggestions for growing this tree. Pic 1- Oct.5/07.
Well I have been tempted enough to admit that I have just ordered a Kagero from Guy Maillot We will see how it goes next spring and will keep you advised :)
On the subject of Maillot, I didn't order Kagero on this occasion but I certainly might next year, the picture is compelling! But I can report that I ordered from him for the first time this fall; the plants arrived in good order (well packed, etc). I have a concern about a couple visavis health but it is too early to tell; but he is certainly honest and well intentioned: one of the plants was clearly not true to type, he immediately apologized and issued a refund. More than this one cannot ask, so I certainly can make a (qualified) recommendation, and I look forward to a continuing relationship. -E