nope, zone 6b but summer temps typically run 90-110 for about 3 months out of the year... can you give a bit more info on the cultivar, such as overall tree shape, size, leaf size, quirks, etc? it looks pretty, might be one i have to add to my collection...
the leaves is big like Osakazuki ,the fall color is orange -red ;in my zone and with my soil; PH neutral and clay ,but i use many natural fertilize ;-) is vigorous grown ,the bark is decorative green with white stripes :)
Does anyone know if this cultivar is available state-side? Alex, I'm assuming it prefers more shade than sun?
According to the fourth edition of 'Japanese Maples' (Gregory) and 'Book for Maples' (Yano), 'Hondo ji' is also known as 'Shuzan ko' (or "koh", "kou" etc.), might help in the search for a stateside supplier. Alex, any chance of a bark picture? I love those JM's with the green bark and the white stripes.
i reply after 4 years sorry but i not read reply of maplespandsaw and maf maplesand ,mine is in open sun for more hours and not burned leaves maf no pics of bark but is ligth brown and no striped :)
Better late than never ;) (I usually say "Vieux motard que j'aimais", but this kind of pun-spoonerism can't be translated...)