'Herbstfeuer' means Autum fire in German. It is a chance seedling and C. Van Gelderen says in his book that it maybe a hybrid between A. palmatum and A. circinatum. Here are two close ups of the leaves in spring. Pictures taken this week. Gomero
New 7/11/08. This tree was grafted 5 years ago. 'A unique cultivar that is probably a cross of Acer palmatum and A. circinatum. Dark green leaves through out the summer months with a slight "fuzz" on the leaf. Very stiff, upright growing tree that is wide spreading to 20 ft at maturity. Outstanding fall display that is brilliant orange. 'Herbstfeuer' means "autumn fire" (German)' No matter what kind of cross it is, I love it already! It has a very different look about it. The leaves are held horizontally on brilliant red petioles, and have a "floppy" appearance to them. This is especially evident in the last picture - almost like cloth that is being draped over something. The red from the petioles continues into the leaf veins for a very attractive effect. Looks like it will be quite vase shaped. Can't wait to see the fall color!
K4 Very nice sharing all those pictures, but please verify if the cultivar you want to post has already a thread in the Gallery, to avoid duplication Gomero
Here is my Herbstfeuer this spring. It has grown really quickly and I really enjoy it. Seems to be tall and fairly skinny so far which is good for its present location. Also good contrast with the "Hefner's Red" beside it.