Re: Acer palm. 'Green Mist' Green mist goes pale yellow and pinkish-red in the autumn as seen in this photo taken October 17, 2007. Mine has mostly lateral growth and spends its time growing across a seasonal stream bed.
I think this is a really nice cultivar, but must confess that my very large dog broke half the plant off a couple years ago, so I've been nursing the remainder of the plant since then. My Green Mist is just now beginning to leaf out. We had a very warm Jan/Feb here in Oregon, but March and April have gone quite cold, so all growth has stopped. I'll post a photo once growth has resumed in a couple weeks.
Here are a couple different Green Mist in my yard. It is a nice light green weeping tree. It is not easy to tell it from other green weepers but there are slight differences.
here is mine in the middle of july, it does have a nice green color. i have added a photo of in August