This is a photo of a 3 year old 'Garyu'. This cultivar has been difficult to keep alive. Hopefully my grafting is successful this year, so that I don't lose this variety. Hay
Here are some more pictures of 'Garyu'. First one on March 28, second one week later and third one month later. It has been in the ground for 4 years and height is about 80cm with leggy growth. I would not say it is an outstanding cultivar, but maybe I need to be patient. Gomero
Gomero, do you find your Garyu to be hard to grow? Because I have certainly heard that from others. It looks a little different from hayridemans. Thanks! David
David, I do not find it any more difficult to grow than an avarage palmatum cultivar. But I am more an more convinced that the behaviour of a given cultivar (i.e.: easy or difficult to grow) is strongly influenced by the health of the understock used in addition to the local growing conditions. True, mine looks different from Hayrideman's, I got it from Esveld which is generally considered to be a good reference. Gomero
Gomero, That is interesting, because it is widely stated that Garyu is notoriously difficult to grow. Maybe it is a variation or a mutation (or hayrideman's is) but it is rather obvious that they are different. The spring color is much lighter on Hayrideman's, and the leaves are more alike to the descriptions I have heard. But yours is pretty, too. David