Acer palmatum 'First Ghost'

Discussion in 'Acer palmatum cultivars (photos)' started by mjh1676, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. mjh1676

    mjh1676 Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southern Oregon
    Another of the 'Ghost' maple series introduced by Talon Buchholz of Buchholz and Buchholz Nursery. This one grows 6’ tall x 3’ wide on 1- yrs., and has narrow irregularly shaped leaf segments that are creamy white with green veins, edged pink. --description by Collctor's Nursery.
    One of the darker-leaved 'Ghost' cultivars, this cultivar has new growth edged in deep pink--I have not noticed the pink present in mature leaves. This culitvars verigation is less pronounced than some of the other 'Ghosts.'
    The specimen in the photo is a first year graft from Collector's Nursery in Battle Ground, Washington. Photos taken August '04 of mature and new summer growth.

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  2. mjh1676

    mjh1676 Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southern Oregon
    Updated photos from Spring 2005. The earliest photo being from 4/21/05 and the most recent two are from 5/5/05.

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  3. mjh1676

    mjh1676 Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southern Oregon
    Since I mentioned this tree in the Peaches and Cream thread, I thought it important to show some of the pink-red cloration this tree can show. By this time of the year, strong similarities are seen with Shigitatsu sawa and Aka Shigitatsu sawa.

    I plan on cutting this tree back a little to stimulate some more growth, but as is stands now, while not growing very fast, it is terrible toleratant of soil moisuture and heat (not direct sun, but heat).

    Photos one is from 5/26/05 and the second and third are 6/10/05.

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  4. yweride

    yweride Active Member 10 Years

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    Portland, Oregon
    Photos taken 8/15/05

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  5. Maple_Lady

    Maple_Lady Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    La Center, WA USA Zone 8a
    As a maple collector and small nursery owner I am enchanted by the ghost series of maples introduced by Talon Buchholz in Gaston, Oregon. I am lucky enough to receive a limited supply of the ghost series including First Ghost, Sister, Grandma, Martha, Amber, and Purple Ghost.

    As a amateur photographer with a small digital camera, I will endeavor to take photos of these magnificent maples during the course of the summer and share them with other maple enthusiasts. Photos provided by Talon Buchholz can be seen on my website - Thanks, Sam
  6. Galt

    Galt Active Member

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    Oregon, USA
    You might start your photos with Martha, as I would venture to say that most of us, if any, have seen that one.

    I think that Amber Ghost represents the greatest departure from existing plants of the lot, but they all are worth having. First Ghost shares the greatest similarity with Reticulatum, but the others do have their unique characteristics. Will D, now being called Will's Devine and Tiger Rose should be put into the Ghost group as they are also similar and came to market about the same time.
  7. yweride

    yweride Active Member 10 Years

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    Portland, Oregon
    'Martha's Ghost' is the least favorite of the group and should of never been introduced. It was never really ment to be produced, and is slowly being phased out of the production cycle. However, the other ghosts remain as great plants, so better than others depending on the person who grows them.

    As for the Will's Devine and Tiger Rose, the list goes on and on with simular plants. Buchholz has a new one that is just coming on that is simular to the Will's Devine, but with more veins, and more white and red in the leaf.
  8. Maple_Lady

    Maple_Lady Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    La Center, WA USA Zone 8a

    Yea, i have 2 of Martha's ghost left - both are in 3 gallon containers. I am not propagating this cultivar. Talon named it after his nursery manager, then Martha, but after she left his employment. . .
  9. Galt

    Galt Active Member

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    Oregon, USA

    As far as the planned new introductions, are any of them pictured on the back cover of the 2005-2006 liner catalog?
  10. Scion Swapper

    Scion Swapper Active Member 10 Years

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    New Jersey, USA
    Uggg, 'Will D' is the same as 'Tiger Rose'? I thought they looked similar. Its annoying when multiple names are given to the same cultivar. How about 'Squitty' and 'Abygail Rose'? I believe they are the same too.

  11. Maple_Lady

    Maple_Lady Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    La Center, WA USA Zone 8a
    Naming and renaming similar if not duplicate cultivars of Acer palmatum seems to be a growing problem. When I see names like Will D. mentioned above I am suspicious. I did get 3 of a cultivar named Bob's Big Boy from Talon one year. It was a non-descript pathetic looking maple and I tossed all 3 onto the burn pile.

    Talon does have a new cultivar named Fairyhair that is worth a second look - color like a Villa Taranto but with even thinner leaves. This cultivar is still in limited supply and I won't be able to purchase them from Talon for another year or so - or pay the $25 for a single liner.

    As a owner/operator of a very small nursery I must be selective on which cultivars I grow and eventually graft myself. I only have one red laceleaf - Red Dragon. I have chosen Beni kawa over Sango kaku for my coral bark maple. I am experimenting with several red palmatums - Shojo nomura, Nuresagi, Yeso nishiki and Red Emperor aka Emperor I. I love Beni otake, but I am also experimenting with Atrolineare and Red Cloud as representatives of the linearifolium category.

    I am always looking for a new cultivar that deserves special attention. Any thoughts or comments are appreciated. Sam
  12. mjh1676

    mjh1676 Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southern Oregon
    I am not sure why there is so much renaming going on or why it seems like it happens with a lot of the Buchholz plants. I would like to be corected if I have am incorrect on this matter.

    Will D is now Will's Devine. It is different than Abagail Rose and Squitty. Tiger Rose is also a different plant. Bob's Big Boy (once a hamburger extablishment) is now sold as Bob's Big Green if I am not mistaken.

    I think Esk Sunsent and Eskimo Sunset are also part of this renaming deal as well as Ruby Ridge and Crumple Leaf. Include Itami nishiki and Itame nishiki and nibluke and whatever else that maple has been called.

    I can understand when nurseries make mistakes on tags and lose tags and that sort of thing, but as stated above, this seems to be a true RENAMING issue and that is distrubing.
  13. Maple_Lady

    Maple_Lady Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    La Center, WA USA Zone 8a
    I am laughing at myself because you are correct it was Bob's Big Green and not Boy - a throw back to my childhood. As to names and claiming immortality by putting your stamp on a new cultivar - I am not to enthusied. I have a 20 year old red laceleaf seedling that I stuck on a pile of rocks that I racked from one area when we arrived at our home - Eastfork 22 years ago. All my maples are container grown because we live on what used to be ocean and river bottom. We joke that after you use a spud bar to dig a hole you have to backfill with potting soil because the of all the rocks.

    Anyway, I digress, but another maple buyer suggested that because this seedling held its red/burgandy color even in shade I should name it. I have chosen to enjoy the seedling for what it is. I will leave others to put their stamps on immortality, I am very happy just being passionate about these trees. Thanks for your comments. sam
  14. yweride

    yweride Active Member 10 Years

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    Portland, Oregon
    Galt, yes the plants on the back of the liner catalogue are some of the new introductions that i mentioned.

    Scion Swapper, you are completely wrong on your assumptions, 'Will D' and 'Tiger Rose' are totally different, look again. We have the original 'Squitty' on our nursery, which looks similar to 'Abygail Rose' but it too is slightly different. It is possible to have seedlings that look similar but are still genetically different plants, just like the human population.

    mjh1676, 'Bobs Big Green' was given to Talon by its finder so he could propagate it and sell the liners back. Talon never introduced this plant, he just had some extra plants kicking around. 'Ruby Ridge' is a seedling from 'Rugose', we still have the original plant at the nursery. I think 'Crumple leaf' is from Dell Loucks, i've never seen it before but it could be another case of similar, but different plants?
  15. Scion Swapper

    Scion Swapper Active Member 10 Years

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    New Jersey, USA

    It wasn't my assumption that 'Will D' and 'Tiger Rose' were the same cultivar, that was Galt's statement (see post number #6 on this thread). I was simply replying to Galts statement, that's why mine ended with a question mark. I have both cultivars, but they are small young grafts-- too small to make comparisons at this point.

    With regard to 'Squitty' and 'Abygail Rose', I have fresh grafts of each and they look nearly identical. If our nursery decides to offer one of those two cultivars, it will likely be 'Abygail Rose' since it appears first in Vertrees (plus it has a nicer name :-)).

    Scion Swapper
  16. Scion Swapper

    Scion Swapper Active Member 10 Years

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    New Jersey, USA
    actually, rereading Galt post, it is possible that i miss understood his sentence and that he was stating that will d and 'tiger rose' are both reticulated variegateds. The way he wrote the sentence lead me to believe that Will D was renamed Wills Devine AND 'Tiger Rose'..

    Sorry for the confusion.
  17. Galt

    Galt Active Member

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    Oregon, USA
    I wasn't under the impression that Squitty was variegated like Abigail Rose is. At best, it would appear that Squitty would be variegated like Hoshi kuzu--'fu' type. Abigail Rose is variegated more like Higasayama, but I will say that it is not a very dependable or long-lasting variegation. If we are lucky enough to see strongly variegated leaves on Abigail Rose, they often fade to green soon after. New growth during the growing season is rarely strongly variegated and and vigorous growth is also not strongly variegated. From that point of view, Squitty and Abigail Rose would look a lot alike after the spring coloration has passed.

    Abigail Rose has lacked suffiecient vigor for me, so if you intend to offer that plant for sale, you might make sure they are strong plants with some size on them as this plant can falter quite easily when young after it leaves the nursery. It is also subject to fungal attack in the spring and some stock plants I have seen of it seem to have quite a lot of verticillium which makes this a tough plant to grow.

    Sorry, if my sentence structure was lacking--I did not intend to mean that Will's whatever and Tiger Rose are the same plant as they clearly are not.

  18. Scion Swapper

    Scion Swapper Active Member 10 Years

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    New Jersey, USA

    Thanks for the info on 'Abygail Rose' and 'Squitty'. They are both new to me and fresh grafts are often misleading. Whichever is the hardier variety would be the one that I would focus on from a propagation standpoint.

    I spelled 'Abygail Rose' with a Y because the Nurserywomen from whom I received the scion wood was friends with it's introducer and he named it 'Abygail' after his granddaughter. Unfortunately, I was told when it reached press in Vertrees it was misspelled 'Abigail Rose'. Anyway, I'm trying to keep consistant with its original name.

    Yweride, does your 'Squitty' show much variegation? I seemed to remember seeing some sort of variegation on my 'Squitty' fresh grafts, but now I'm not sure.

  19. yweride

    yweride Active Member 10 Years

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    Portland, Oregon
    'Squitty' is a Canadian slang term meaning small, runt, etc. It has varigation that will fade to green in the summer. I have seen other seedlings in the past that look simular to both 'Abygail Rose' and 'Squitty', recently i saw one that was almost a perfict ball and maybe more dwarf than 'Abygail Rose' and 'Squitty', it was not named.
  20. Maple_Lady

    Maple_Lady Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    La Center, WA USA Zone 8a
    As you have probably heard, Collector's Nursery has closed. I visited two weeks ago and found the last few maples to be purchased, of which two were First Ghost. It is a wonderful cultivar for morning sun and afternoon shade. Sam

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  21. nelran

    nelran Active Member

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    Zone 8 - Houston, TX USA
    Well, this is my first 'First Ghost' (specially selected by the "Maple Lady" from eastforknursery- Thanks Sam!). I received this beatiful specimen at the end of last year in "naked" condition due winter time, so I had to wait until now to enjoy its wonderful colours and delicate form. I fell in love with this cultivar since I saw a picture in the cover of the Japanese Maples Pocket Guide book (Vertrees/Gregory) so i decide to get one ASAP. A really amazing Maple, don't you think?

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  22. xman

    xman Active Member

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    Plano TX USA

    That is one beautiful tree. I love its branching structure. Need to put this on my list.

  23. nelran

    nelran Active Member

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    Zone 8 - Houston, TX USA

    you won't be dissapointed with this cultivar.

  24. mapleman77

    mapleman77 Active Member

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    Denham Springs, LA
    what size did you get from eastfork? One gallon or two gallon? Thanks.
  25. nelran

    nelran Active Member

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    Zone 8 - Houston, TX USA
    My 'First Ghost' is a two gallon size,and I got last fall. Usually I prefer to buy cultivars as big as I can afford (if it's available in that size and depending of shipping costs of course). Most of my JMs were bought locally but since last year these nurseries have not have Jms in inventory (with the exception of green Acer palmatum). So now, my main source to get cultivar is from "e-nurseries" as eastfork and topiary gardens. I got several in 1 and 2 gal pots, (with the exception of an 'Aconitifolium'that I got from 10 gal.).

    First ghost is really a nice tree.

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