Peter Gregory places 'Elizabeth' with 'Kandy Kitchen' in his "Pocket Guide to Japanese Maples", noting the similarities between the two. However, Gregory notes that 'Elizabeth' "has a narrower, more upright habit." This photo was taken July 11, 2007, and Elizabeth's color is a welcome relief to so much summer green.
Several shots of my 'Elizabeth' purchased this year and doing very well. Very beautiful colors! Swanny
'Elizabeth' is a grteat witches broom like 'Kandy Kitchen' and others. It was named for Elizabeth Rodd, wife and fellow broom hunter of Ed 'Skeeters Broom' Rodd.
this tree just gets more and more beautiful as this year goes on. in the 5 years I have had the tree, this has been its best year for color
Here is a new Elizabeth, it has not quite as vivid of red color. I find these trees to be good since they do not have the large amount of dieback.
My new 'Elizabeth' from Lucile at Whitman Farms. It's a beauty! I like how the leaves are a mix of red and green. I was hoping for coloration like Swanny's above, and I'm thrilled to see it arrive that way.
The late summer color of the cultivar (in bright shade) isn't as stunning, but it's still a charming tree. Next year I'll try a location in more sun.