Last Fall of '07 we moved our Red Dragon to a new location. Unfortunately, it was a dry season prior to the move. Once it was moved, I believe the ball root was too small. We cut back a branch in order for the water to drip to the new root area. This Spring of '08 only two of the branches have produced new leaves. The branches with leaf dieback do not seem to be gray but pliable and copper colored. We have given her daily watering to allow to penatrate to root base as well as keeping the soil evenly moist. We have applied 3-4 inches of mulch and have aerated. Anything else that can be done? Have I done permanent damage to the tree? Is she a lost cause? Thank you in advance for you knowledge and help, Barb
not watering every days, one or two days for week,and if possible buy Micorizze ,is a good product for root stimolate, read in FAQ "how to plant a maple" prune dry branch. ciao