Hello all, I've had my Acer for a couple of years now and apart from a bit of frost damage everything has been ok with it - until the last few months that is. It's in a large pot that's fairly well drained and I try my hardest to ensure it doesn't dry out in the summer. A few months ago I started losing some leaves, and then some of the branches started dying (from the tips inwards). What I did notice on these areas was an orange/red type of 'growth' which was attached to the branches but I could fairly easily remove this by rubbing with my fingers. I fear all the plant is slowly being taken over by this and that I'm going to lose the plant. At this time of year it's difficult to determine what leaves I'm losing due to Autumn and what I'm losing due to this 'disease'. Any suggestions would be greatly received, thanks.
I'm not sure, but it sounds like a parasitic plant. Cut the branches off that are effected, put in a bag to seal and put in the trash. Hope this helps.
Hi all, Many thanks for the replies. wh4skey, yes the same as most of UK, a fairly wet summer. Here's a photo
Looks like Coral spot (Nectria cinnabarina) to me. No choice but to cut out infected wood. I've seen this here on some maples suite a very wet weather and pseudomonas. Usually the fruiting bodies appear only on dead wood, but not always. If there is no part of the plant not infected with the fungus, I'm afraid it's a goner, sorry. Although of course, wait and see, spray with antifungal, hope for the best. -E