@Jaybee63 how do you find the leaf size on this? I bought a decent sized one years ago from Morrisons (!) labelled 'Chishio' that looked as if it came out of a Dutch greenhouse or similar. Leaves seem to be, on average, a little larger and slightly wider lobed than 'Shindeshojo', and it holds its colour about as long. Because of where it came from I have never been 100% confident it had the correct ID.
Mine came from James Harris at Mallet Court nursery in Somerset. It was a few years ago and he had some really nice plants.
Yes, Mallet Court are a good nursery. I was wondering what size leaves you get on your plant so I can compare mine and see if I also have the original 'Chishio'.
Hi Maf, There are clusters of different sizes leaves so I am attaching a few photos. I’m not sure what the improved version looks like as “Chishio” is stunning in spring. Photos taken this morning.
My tree also has a variety of sizes but go up to about 8cm / 3 inches for the largest leaves. Yours look smaller than that so mine is probably not a vanilla 'Chishio' after all - I have always suspected as much. Thanks @Jaybee63