Please help, In Europe, was detected a specific name of a cultivar japanese maples (Acer palmatum ´Peve multicolor´). I don´t know this name. You do know somebody, where's origin of this cultivar? What´s his correct name? Thanks for any informations.
Hello Martin, You have the name right: Acer palmatum 'Peve Multicolor'. I think the origin is the US, but I'm not 100% sure and have no further details. If no one else here can answer completely, contact the Firma C Esveld in Boskoop, Holland. That's where I purchased it, I believe they introduced it here in Europe. -E
Yes, than you very much emery. And last, My friend was bought a cultivar of maple, which it is call ´Peve Dave´. I thing that name is synonyms of ´Peve multicolor´. Is it true? Do you know this cultivar?
Sorry, I don't know that one. But there are many more experienced than I on the forum, if you wait a while someone may have more information. -E
Hi Martin another good address for informations is www a big nursery of the acer palmatum situated in France ... alex66
You may want to read the thread on this cultivar I initiated in the Gallery. I take the occasion to correct a statement I made there regarding its origin: It does not come from Eastern Europe as stated, this was a wrong information given to me by the person who sold me the tree. Now I know for sure it has been introduced in Holland but I’ve forgotten the name of the person (not Esveld and not Dick van der Maat). Probably the same person that introduced Cornus kousa 'Peve Limbo' and Taxodium distichum 'Peve Minaret' Gomero