Help. Not even the 'experts' could tell me what the name might be. Knapps Nursery in Surrey BC has a beautiful 30 year old a.p. tree on the North-East Side. No one in the store knows what the name is....not even the present owners according to the staff. Many customers ask but IT is a mystery. It is a smaller leaf with salmon and coral tones with a hint of yellow-green along the veins. It stays that colour for most of the season. Any suggestions?
Have found this site helpful when trying to ID a cultivar with a leaf photo, though it's hard to be definite. The variations of the cultivars, if it is one, seems endless. Maybe the owner at time of planting would know. The site is in Japanese mostly, . Many photos of cultivar leaves throughout the seasons, plus much other information. Maybe one of the 'Corallinum' group. Size and habit of the tree might also help someone familiar with it or more photos.
Thanks for the suggestions. When first researching, I also saw the 'Beni Maiko' but most of the pictures of the 'Maiko' show that more green than this mystery specimen of mine. The only other similar 'Beni' is 'Beni Chidori' but I believe the leaves are larger on the 'Chidori'. Both the Maiko and Chidori are close but not exact. The only other one I have been able to find ..but only on the 'Seigen'. In the illustrations it looks very similar to my picture but I have not been able to find a plant anywhere in the Greater Vancouver region for comparison . So, I think I am close....but am hoping there is a 'slam dunk' I.D. out there. 'gus'
You'll have to use descriptions to get it, if it is possible to match it to a named form. Looking at pictures only won't be adequate. Use print references like JAPANESE MAPLES and MAPLES FOR GARDENS (both from Timber Press). Use all the maple and Japanese maple references you can find. Even then there is the possibility of it being closely similar to a cultivar you become aware of but not actually being the same exact one - hundreds of them have been named.