Acer mandshuricum - UWBG Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, October. There is a photograph of the the samaras of this species in the Asian Garden forum:
Acer mandshuricum deserves to be more widely planted. It is one of my favorite species with a sober elegance that should make it desirable in any garden. It takes some time to establish itself and develop its beautiful architecture, but patience pays off at the end. Gomero
yes i agree ,is difficult for the first time i my zone after the summer 50% of leaves are damage o off ,but the leaves that remain have a fantastic color!
One of the things I admire most about this tree is the light gray bark. It is very showy in winter and makes a stunning contrast to the scarlet leaves of new growth. Does seem difficult to establish, one reason is that it leafs out extremely early, (at least in our mild climate), so little specimens may not have the size to make it through the frost that is sure to come later. Luckily mine now seems to be doing well, and putting on fine growth. It has certainly taken a few years, though. -E
Acer mandshuricum @ the Arnold showing beautiful fall color back in Oct. I collected a few seeds to try to germinate. The are some weird looking acer seeds. I'll try to remember to take pics of them before I plant them.
I stratified some I got from a reliable seed provider, I cold stratified them before planting them and none of them germinated. I kept the pot outside and we'll see if after a second year they can sprout...