Acer saccharum ssp. leucoderme - UWBG Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, accession 1944, October 2005. Native to the USA: North Carolina south to Florida and west to Oklahoma and Texas. "It differs from its allies mainly by the peculiar velvety down on the undersides of the leaf. Often the leaves are markedly wavy, which is almost never the case in subspecies saccharum." Van Gelderen, et al., 1994. Maples of the World.
I have been following the last reported accepted taxonomic divisions as noted in De Jong, Piet C., Worldwide Maple Diversity, Proceedings of the International Maple Symposium 2002: 2-11. Section Acer Series Saccharodendron has one species – saccharum, which has seven subspecies. According to Van Gelderen, de Jong, and Oterdoom, Maples of the World (Timber Press 1994), this taxon is Acer saccharum ssp. leucoderme (Small) Demarais (1952). Two other USDA sources - Integrated Taxonomic Information System and Germplasm Resources Network - list the taxon as Acer saccharum Marshall ssp. leucoderme (Small) Desmarais.
New planted Acer saccharum ssp. Leucoderme @ the Arnold. The fall color is amazing. It quickly caught my eye from a distance off trail.