A hybrid between Acer griseum and acer pseudoplatanus. This tree has large trifolate leaves like the father with handsome purple undersides as shown in the third pic. For the bark I have read contradictory statements, some saying that it will flake, some saying the contrary. The fourth pic shows the bark of my young plant, it does not look like griseum to me. It is supposed to grows to about 6-8 m. I find it original and different from any other maple I know, worth the addition to any garden. I am counting on spectacular Fall colors. I do not know who selected this hybrid which seems available from both sides of the Atlantic. If anybody knows, please pitch in. Mine comes from Esveld. Gomero
Gomero, I often wonder how one can be sure of the parentage of this one. The bark looks more like triflorum, but who knows what the inter-section combination would do? I was under the impression it was selected at Esveld, but can't find the reference, if indeed I read it. Thanks for the pictures, I look forward to planting this one day. -E
I'd be extremely sceptical about the claimed parentage for this, and won't accept it without conclusive DNA testing. For what it's worth, the foliage looks very like Acer heldreichii.
is very fast i planted two years ago the growth is 6o cm for year the leaves are hot wind resiatance!!!
Hi Michael, The seller claims that DNA tests have confirmed parentage. On the other hand I think that leaves are quite distinct from A. heldreichii . They are much more incised, all the way to the base and the central lobe is narrower and longer, just like over sized A. griseum leaves. The lateral lobes are at 90° with respect to the central lobe while for A. heldreichii they are at about 45°. Also A. heldreichii is most often five-lobed while the hybrid in this post is almost always three-lobed (at least my tree). Here is a link to A. heldreichii leaves. http://www.esveld.nl/htmldia/a/achtra.htm Cheers Gomero
after 4 years... high over 3.5 meter,comparasion with griseum leaves are more big and petolie is rich red than griseum !
Fascinating! The first time a maple flowers is always an event! (Well, I think so anyway: my A. pictum is flowering for the first time this year). Alex, is there any chance you can get a good close up of these flowers? I bought a young graft of this early this year when I visited Esveld, but the graft isn't well enough healed to put in the ground yet. Perhaps this fall.
Hard to tell from the pics but it would seem that the individual flowers are like pseudoplatanus while the inflorescence looks more like griseum I have not taken a look at mine, I will check it out tomorrow. Gomero
ligth red samaras !in another pics above samaras of griseum left samaras of pseudoplatanus (Nizetti) rigth griseum x pseudoplatanus
I am thinking about getting a ‘Purple Haze’ and planting it in a full sun area of my yard. Does anyone have some current pictures so I can see what this looks like when it gets larger and more mature? Did this turn out to be a good cultivar or is it unremarkable after a few years?
after 16 years is over 7 meter high and 3meter large have a fastigiate habitat the bark not have peeling -i have clay soil and the autum colors are 90%yellow ,5%red 5% orange however is resistance to dry conditions and hot wind
for me is not very interesting maple ,only for collection -for example Acer rubrum Summer red is better or if you ha interest for peeling bark Acer triflorum or Acer griseum are perfect
I agree with Alex, it's not very interesting. I don't really believe deeply in its hybrid status, to say the least. :) There are lots of beautiful sycamores, and of course the griseum/triflorum and hybrids are gorgeous.
Thanks @alex66 & @emery . That is exactly what I was curious about. There is not a lot of information about this maple and nothing about any mature specimens.