Acer glabrum

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    At both ends of the plot at the edge of the trough garden, in the north garden, are two maple trees. One has simple leaves with very serrated edges. The other has compound leaves, in threes. It turns out, they are both Acer glabrum. I was pretty surprised, and also surprised that this interesting situation is not documented in a Botany Photo of the Day and not in the Acer forum photos. I was told that Douglas Justice did his thesis on this species, which came up on a search when I went looking for something to confirm what I was seeing:

    I don't know if these two trees were recently moved here - I never noticed them before; they're very striking right now with their bright red stems and so many red samaras. This is Acer glabrum var. glabrum, with simple leaves.
    Acer-glabrumVar-glabrum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_151454.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-glabrum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_152048.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-glabrum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_151508.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-glabrum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_151521.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-glabrum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_151542.jpg

    And here is Acer glabrum var. neomexicanum, with compound leaves.
    Acer-glabrumVar-neomexicanum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_152126.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-neomexicanum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_152155.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-neomexicanum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_152424.jpg Acer-glabrumVar-neomexicanum_UBCBG_wcutler_20190603_152443.jpg
    Soumil Yarlagadda likes this.

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