Acer campbellii subsp. flabellatum Fell in love with the beautiful shape of the leaves of this Acer. It was only bought at the end of June 2008 as a whip. It has turned the most stunning autumn colour. It was bought from the famous Hergest Croft garden in Herefordshire,owned by the well respected Lawrence and Elizabeth Banks. See...,25,43,1262
Re: Acer campbellii subsp. flabellatum Wow !fantastic autum coulor !good point of red! thanks for pics ciao
Re: Acer campbellii subsp. flabellatum Mild climate species, the typical subspecies having done well in sheltered west coastal UK gardens.
Re: Acer campbellii subsp. flabellatum Although still listed elsewhere as campbellii ssp flabellatum, Flora of China now makes this a separate species: I've listed mine this way, recently acquired from Pan Global plants. No picture yet, sorry. The FC in the wild appears to be yellow, I'd be delighted with the beautiful red from the Hergest Croft plant! :) -E