I have three very small seedlings (5 cm, 2 inches) that germinated this year and that I labelled Acer campbelli var. fansipanense. I think the name has changed since the "accepted names in the genus Acer" list was issued in August. What is its new name ?...
@AlainK, first of all Alain I'm in as much dark as you on this one. Reading the new accepted names there appears to be no varieties in Acer Campbellii as in some others. Does this mean that your variety name fansipanense has now been removed and it is just Acer Campbellii !!?? I expect Emery will know the answer, but I just wanted to show that I am confused. LOL.
I see a change to Acer pectinatum ssp. pectinatum being mentioned: Crûg Farm - Store However unless A. pectinatum has been published for two different maple species that name is supposed to apply to one in Sec. Macrantha: Acer pectinatum subsp. maximowiczii Otherwise there is this: Acer campbellii var. fantsipanense L.F.Gagnep. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
The page on Acer pectinatum from Trees and Shrubs Online has a lot about this in the second half. Acer pectinatum - Trees and Shrubs Online We have KR.3012 at the Garden. It is listed as Acer pectinatum (aff.). Here is the only image of it in the file.
So if I understand well, it still has to be named and so far is better referred to as Acer aff. pectinatum ? "(...) at this point A. aff. pectinatum is more appropriate. While it may be included within this species, its characters fit neither of the subspecies as circumscribed by Xu et al. (2008) and it requires a name. It differs from both of these in its often more strongly 5-lobed leaves, which are largely glabrous except for tufts in its basal axils."
Yes indeed, Acer aff. pectinatum. It is definitely not related to campbellii, and var. fansipanense is not generally accepted. It is quite distinct because of the 5 lobes, but these seem to occur only on older wood in my experience. Great writeup by Dan on the IDS page, he is certainly a (or the) leading expert on the maples of Vietnam.
So I have 3 Acer aff. pectinatum that I was afraid wouldn't make it trough the winter because they're very small : I'll put them in bigger pots with some slow-release fertilizer, either this evening, or tomorrow.