Hi LoverOfMaples, I'm sorry but I dont have any photos of the elegant tree, but if you type in Acer elegantulam in the UBC search box there is a thread on this cultivar with some lovely photos. If you have already done this then please excuse this posting. Hope this is of help.
Couldn't find the thread, but I have some from seeds : May 2013 : August 2013 : November 2014 : November 2015 : It's a fast-grower in the first years. Beautiful Autumn colours.
Thanks @AlainK. I order one and I think it's going to be a graft. Nice pic btw. About how tall is it now?
@LoverOfMaples, I dont know if you received my posting earlier, I double checked the thread Acer elegantulum and it does have lovely photos and info for you.
Hi @LoverOfMaples glad I was of a little help and you found them. I do agree with you it is a lovely cultivar.
Ah, pedant mode on! :) Sorry, sorry, can't resist and all of that. I had 3 of these, 2 where gifts and one from Alain, which is still my favorite example of it. Unfortunately Alain's maple froze this year and so doesn't look great, though it will be fine I think. New growth coming out. The other gifted maple died suddenly, probably of phytophthora, still in a pot. The one I bought, a seedling, I thought for a while was a hybrid, but now I think it's just natural variation. It's a nice enough plant but has had problems with freezing also, as they do leaf out very early. So: it is not a cultivar, but a species of maple. "cultivar" means a named selection that is propagated by cloning: grafting. rooting, layering, etc. Each plant is the same plant genetically as the originally named selection. (Actually I think you know this and it was just quick typing... heh). Funnily enough, A. elegantulum is cheap and germinates well, so it is used as rootstock for Acer palmatum in China! Well, can't find a picture and giving up... -E
Thanks E, I knew you had at lease one. I have one arriving tomorrow. I hope it grow well for me here.