Hi i shop acer diabolicum but I dont say if is comopletely hardy ,and if preferable acid soils help me!
The genus acer is not uniformly acid loving, although slightly acid soil is certainly the pereference of most species. According to "Maples of the World" both A. campestre and A. monspessulanum prefer high pH, although they do well -- as is my experience -- in slightly acid soils too. A. diabolicum is a fast grower and should thrive in lightly acid soil in full sun or part shade. As Michael F points out it is fully hardy. In extremely rigorous winter conditions I would make sure that the roots are well mulched the first few seasons. I'm very interested in growing this tree, is it possible to share contact for a source? Feel free to email me if you like. -E
Hi Alex, This species, had a piece written by Peter Gregory in our Autumn Newsletter. He states that it is easy to grow, will tolerate most soils, and is a reliable and adaptable tree. The male and female flowers appear on separate trees, and the most frequently grown species is the male variety, for the purple red flowers that appear in spring. It is a Japanese native and is found on the main Islands of Japan, and discovered by Karl Koch in 1864. If you would like to know more about this interesting cultivar, why not join the Maple Society, they are always looking for new members, you will most probably be able to get the back issue of the Autumn Newsletter. Happy growing. Ashizuru.......
I think like most of use who want to plant this tree I'm interested in a male plant. Often wondered if there is some way to tell with a young, non-grafted specimen. Alex, is yours grafted or a seedling? I got a sinopurpurescens (or perhaps A. diabolicum ssp sinopurpurescens if you prefer) from the same source this fall; it is grafted. The same stock should work for diabolicum, no? (I saw the rs species at some point in one of the refs, but don't remember off hand what it is). In any case except for our Dutch friends I guess diabolicum is "usually" available seed grown. -E
Hi Emery I received a. Diabolicum in spring 2007 generally from boskoop the maple is grafed, but for me is interesting the mature leaves ,this is my reason ..... Tanks Ashizuru for the advice and reaply HAPPY NEW YEAR alex