Thanks Alex and congratulations! I have also just received my order from Esveld, with A. coriaceum too. I am looking forward to trying to grow it.
autumn colors! pics date two days ago!! another pics politica,aceri e rock roll: Acer coriaceum fall colors 2022
Very beautiful colours. Said to be a hybrid of Acer monspessulanum × Acer opalus according to some sources. Acer × coriaceum
Yes, since this thread is in the photo gallery, the correct title should be Acer x coriaceum. Interesting to see the thread coming up again, my plant from 2012 long dead, another from 2014 is still barely alive, I really only kept it this year because there's some mint growing in the pot. There is perhaps a viable bud. The understock has never put on root or girth, and I think it's pretty much a poster child for (or against rather) using A. pseudoplatanus as "universal rootstock". Esveld does this frequently, even when it doesn't seem necessary. I understand the necessity of doing this in order to propagate certain maples, but it often seems to fail to thrive and then slowly die. I haven't calculated, but I'm guessing I've only gotten about a 50% rate with these grafts, and I cringe a bit when I see one. I have another x coriaceum from the same source (and with the same understock) that I got last year, it's in much better shape but already the graft is outgrowing the stock. I will put it in ground next fall. It kept its leaves quite late, to mid-November, since we don't live in Rome! :) Looked for some pics but didn't find easily, sorry. The color here was yellow without the reddish tones.
autumn in Rome is very long .this is a problem for the autumn colors show beacuse only a few number of acer have together autumn colors and the mass effect is poor :( Acer buergerianum Spring festival and Acer discolor have start autunm colors now!!!is january...