G'day. We have a 3'x3' Little Gem that has not rooted after 3 years. Still needs to be staked. Any advice? Thanks! Marzette
Much woody stock on the market here is root-bound - dig your maple up at the end of winter, while it is still leafless but the spring growth is around the corner - and wash the roots, see what corrections it may be possible to make. Done at this time new root growth will come right after cuts are made, although some stunting of the top is liable to be seen until the following spring - same as when you plant bare-rooted stock in spring. But such timing will prevent the specimen from sitting out there all winter with cut roots. You may find that there is a quite tight knot or wad of roots near the base of the stem(s), if it is severe enough it will not be possible to recover the specimen. You will then have to either live with that unfortunately common situation or discard the plant. To me this is the equivalent of the car industry routinely supplying vehicles with frozen engines; the production and offering of trees and shrubs with badly deformed roots nevertheless remains pandemic.
Great advice Ron. Thank you! I'll set an alarm for end of February/early March and see what a good soaking and washing of the root wad uncovers. I'm hopeful, it's the only Little Gem we've seen in nurseries. We're lucky to have you! Marzette