the correct name is Longipes subsp.amlplum Gold Coin this beautiful maple with yellow leaves grown about 4 m ,13 feet by www.esveld .nl date pics 3/5/2008
Re: Acer longipes subsp. amplum 'Gold Coin' Interesting, mine did very poorly in the drought this year; it did survive but lost lots of leaves from the top. I will be surprised if there's no die back. I agree with the others, this is a super maple, not sure if there's a better yellow leaved cultivar in any maple species.
Re: Acer longipes subsp. amplum 'Gold Coin' hi emery :)in my garden have sun only in the morning,which is the exp. of your G.C.?
Re: Acer longipes subsp. amplum 'Gold Coin' Hi Alex, mine is in sun probably from about 15h onwards. But it's planted near some mature poplars, which really dry out the soil. That may be a bigger factor.
Re: Acer longipes subsp. amplum 'Gold Coin' I think that's your problem Emery, poplars will pump all the water out of a huge volume around the trees, tough environment for most other plants. It is a nice yellow which I would put at the same par with A. capadocicum 'Aureum'. By the way Flora of China (with the contribution of de Jong) no longer talks of A. longipes subsp. amplum but A. amplum subsp. amplum. Gomero
Thanks. Thread moved to Acer amplum subsp. amplum 'Gold Coin' with permanent redirect from Acer longipes subsp. amplum 'Gold Coin'.
Hi Alex, I know only of the electronic version (not sure if there is one in print) at
Planted two months ago from nursery pot. This is north facing and gets early morning and late afternoon sun. With hot temperatures and intense sun, some of the leaves have browned.
I moved my ‘Gold Coin’ to a sunnier spot this year. Hoping for more gold than last year. So far looking good!
Acer longipes ssp. amplum has been raised in rank, it is now Acer amplum, Rehder in Sargent (1911). So mybe the thread title should change? I suspect it's probably a hybrid anyway. Whatever, the correct name is Acer amplum 'Gold Coin', and it's a fantastic tree. Regardless, I see I never posted a pic of mine, so here are a couple. I bought this as a small plant in 2006 and planted it directly, something I no longer do. It has some trouble and didn't flower until 2013. Since then it has suffered ups and downs, mostly from drought. The 2021 season was particularly difficult, a cold, rainy summer following a dry, cold and windy spring. It doesn't leaf out particularly early, so it has suffered less than some from spring frosts, and not at all this year. It keeps a fine yellow all year, and really brightens up this corner. A word of caution about this cultivar -- not implying anything about anyone's particular plant! -- because seedlings of 'Gold Coin' are often yellow, there are seedlings or even grafts of seedlings out there being sold under the name. Further, it is described as "difficult to propagate". In general seedlings are inferior, though certainly some are very good. Position in the garden, with 'Saoshika' in front, 'Nizettii' to the right, Populus alba in background, and some flowering shrubs (just starting) on the left. Leaves. With the ovate lobe form, these have always suggested an affinity to cappadocicum to me, rather than longipes or amplum. Since the origin is described (Maples for Gardens) as one of a "batch of seedlings collected in the Zuiderpark", it seems difficult to attribute it to any species with certainty. A view up into the tree on a cloudy day. At age 16, I guess it's about 9 ft.