Hi All, I plan to use Acephate (Orthene) to control my aphids & mealy bugs problems. I found out today that the problem is not only on leaves but also in roots as I've found so many ants coming to and fro from my pots where there are aphids problems. I've already tried imidacloprid for some times but failed. So, this time, I plan to spray acephate and also want to soil-drench as well. But don't know whether Acepahte can be used with a soil-drenching method. If so, can I use with the same dosage for foilar spray? Some people said that to use the systemic insecticides as soil-drenching method, it's best to no water the plant 1 day before so that the plant will be thirsty and absorb the insecticides a lot. But some people say to water just before soil-drenching. So, which way should I follow. Thanks A Lot HK77
You've already attempted non-chemical alternatives? Is this indoors? The US EPA upon reviewing the reregistration for acephate only approved it (in part) due to the "deletion of indoor residential uses": Acephate Facts (PDF)
Hi All, I don't live in US and I live in a South-East-Asia country where environmental regulations are not very tight. Biological Methods are also not very popular in my country and I can't buy ladybugs and other predator bugs. So, chemical method is the only way to fight back. My plants are outdoors I also tried to read labels on the products but they are translated to local language and so, very brief and not in detail. I've seen many people spraying Acephate but not sure where it's effective and safe to use as soil-drenching. My local nurseries also not sure about this. Please help. Thanks, HK77