here are some of my personal palm trees in my yard. A few years ago i bought two windmill palms from a nursery joe told me about in langley BC, now im hooked! I have several small windmill palms, one medium sized windmill with the top of the fronds reaching about 5 feet and a beautiful mediterranean fan palm. I've heard of mexican fan palms surviving in vancouver, im wondering if i could pull one off in the abbotsford area with some care ? any ideas of any other varieties to try ?
Hey, I am in Abbotsford also. I got into palms about a year ago and I am also very hooked! I also really enjoy Musa Basjoo, Bamboo, Canna and Palms. I myself have 6 Trachy Fortunei in the ground. 3 others in pots. Butia X Jubaea in pots (Grown from seed) Jubaea X Butia in pots (Grown from seed) Washingtonia Robusta (From Seeds, Germinated very fast and starting to push second leaves only about 3 months). Washingtonia Filifera (From Seeds) Trachycarpus Wagnerianus (Seedling from seed, Just pushing first leaf) Trachycarpus Latisectus (Seedling from seed, pushing second leaf now) I have acouple Sago Palms (Cycas Revoluta) (Grown from seed, planted about 1 year ago and they just started to push there leaves now. Thought they weren't going to make it. Have you seen the 5-7 Sago's at the median in front of the Keg? what else oh I have a 1 Gallon Butia Capitata and just found one germinated that I through in with my bxj and jxb bins. I got the 1 galon from Tropic to Tropic Plants in South Delta. If you ever have a reason to go there Ray Mattei has a fantastic display of Bamboo! 3-4" Culms. I went pretty crazy buying seeds when i first got into it... it wasn't a complete waste because i got quite a variety. I know most of them won't survive here but i will do my best to see what i can get away with. anyways nice to see someone else who is interested, my wife thinks i am nuts. -10°palms
Ha, be careful with what you're getting into. I started with a T. Fortunei. Then went seeds when I couldn't find any other palm species. Now I've got palms coming out my ears haha. I think this covers all of them, although I may have forgot a few and I've got quite a few seeds left that haven't germinated yet Jubaea x Butia Butia X Jubaea Arenga micrantha Brahea armata Butia capitata var. capitata Butia capitata var. odorata Butia eriospatha Butia yatay Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera Jubaea chilensis Livistona chinensis Livistona decipiens Livistona nitida Nannorrhops ritchiana Nannorrhops ritchiana (Kashmir) Parajubaea sunkha Parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi Phoenix theophrastii Sabal mexicana Sabal minor Sabal minor var. louisiana Sabal palmetto Sabal uresana Serenoa repens Syagrus romanzoffiana (Litoralis) Trachycarpus geminisectus Trachycarpus latisectus (Sikkim) Trachycarpus martianus (Nepal Form) Trachycarpus nanus Trachycarpus oreophilus Trachycarpus princeps Trachycarpus sp. (Naga Hills) Trachycarpus takil Trachycarpus wagnerianus Trithrinax campestris Cycas panzhihuaensis Cycas petraea
:) I feel infected :).. Looking at your pictures I see that your pots are on lids on your nice carpet :)... we have a basement that isn't used for anything, as of a few weeks ago I had dirt, buckets dead leaves all over the carpet :)... good thing my wife doesn't go down there :). I have since cleaned it but the sight of yours is very familiar. it is a good thing most palms take a while to grow. I would grow more types however the temperature and weather in abbotsford is a bit different then on the island. Anyways nice pictures. -10°Palms
Yep, it really becomes an addiction. Ha, and that's not the worst of it, you should have seen it in the winter. This place was full of them after all the cold weather we had. Fortunately I was able to keep some at my parents house in a garage for most of the winter. I moved in here in December, and these palms have seen a lot of abuse; moving from outside to a garage then to an unheated garage at another house during the november and january cold snaps; most of them received no water from November until March, and finally after spending the winter in the dark garage I pushed them out into full sunlight and frosted weather at which point a lot of the leafs were burn and I lost about 20. Most seem to have recovered now and are putting out new growth, but it just goes to show you how tough these plants are. I wish I had a basement, but I'm living in an apartment now, but on the plus side they can get midday sun in that location and the heat in here allows them to grow much faster than those outside. I guess abbotsford gets quite a bit colder than victoria in the winter, but there are a few on my list that might do well there... plus most palms love heat and you get more of that than most island locations!
Most of these palms will likely find their way into the ground, the winters here are pretty mild. I will have to sell any sensitive species that outgrow their containers too quickly as I don't have sufficient space or resources to protect large palms in the winter. For now I will keep them on my deck through the winter and move them indoors for the worst of our cold snaps.
wow i am soo excited to finally here of more people in abbotsford growing palms! I have seen some pretty nasty looking ones around town after last winter but man you should stop by earls infront of seven oaks. they have some pretty beautiful windmill palms growing there. and no i have not noticed in front of the kegg but im def. going to drive by that way tomorrow and check it out! if you guys have any more pics of your palms i would love to see them!!
oh... one more thing i would like to add. since taking those pics ... each of the palms has put out at least two more fronds, the med. fan palm changes by the day it seems.
Chilean Wine Palm, Pine-leaf. Looks a bit like the Canary Date that doesn't fare so well in our climate. Slow growing at first but grows really tall eventually Thinking of getting one myself and make the windmill owners jealous haha Babies (2-4 years old) Medium (like 20yrs old) Old timers (Even older than me)