I was given a <2 inch piece of a house plant I'd never seen to find it's ID. Stuck it in a shot glass of water on my desk to keep it alive while looking. As I hoped, it grew roots. (sneaky way to get new plants) Now, the question: Is there a general rule of thumb on when to pot tiny cuttings? How many roots, how long???? By the way, by going waaay back thru the houseplant forum I found it's name and looked up it's geneology. Plectranthus ciliatus 'Drege' Spur flower. Steve - have I listed this correctly? What does Drege mean? Please let me know. Barb
In which case Drege would be the author of the botanical name for the wild species and not the name of a cultivar*. Sometimes the underinformed produce plant labels with the authors of botanical names presented as cultivars, not being aware that in references wishing to be technically precise the full botanical names, with author abbreviations included after the species name are used. *Unless somebody named a cultivar after Drege. Doesn't seem too likely.