All pictures are annotated on the lower left of the larger picture. All the tomatoes are for the table. The tomatoe fruiting bodies are all large usually around 10 centimeters or 4 inches in diameter. All plants are the indeterminate type and I have cut off the leader on all plants about a week ago. After the end of August growth is almost stopped, and this gives the fruit a chance to ripen without producing more small fruit. There is leaf curl, but this has not affected the fruit in any way. I contribute this to too fast a growth and possibly some calcium deficiency,and possibly overwatering at the beginning of the season. Next year I am going to add some calcium to the tomatoe soil. The Lemon Boy, yellow when ripe, has a perfectly formed fruiting body and tastes fine to me. My favourite as far as taste goes is the Black Russian, Purple Prince or Russian Krim. Usually the fruit is slightly smaller on these types. Manitoba is a fine tomatoe and very prolific. Aussie was grown from seeds I saved last year. It ripens late,and is quite large. More a conversation piece than anything else. Only a few fruitng boies for all that vegetation. Japanese Monataro was the first time I grew this plant. The fruit is perfectly shaped and is popular in Japan. None have ripened yet. Durgan.