I came across these beautiful wild violets today here in New Hampshire. I'm not sure what type of Violet they are. Any help would be much appreciated with identifying them.
Check out Viola macloskeyi sub pallens.... smooth white violet. This may be it. http://wisplants.uwsp.edu/scripts/b...S.Baker&phog=Merel R. Black&spcode=VIOMACsPAL http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=VIMAP3
Yes, aren't they! Looks like the ones I have over a large portion of a bed in my backyard. Dug up a few little plants 5-6 years ago from a friend's yard, which have spread in a most gratifying fashion. (Quite shady, under a large silver maple tree.) I have a fondness for violets: have a bed in front that has purple, white, and lavender ones.
You could be right its looks exactly like the violet species you mention. But I'm leaning towards it being the Red-stemmed Violet (Viola blanda) which is a native species to NH. There is also the Alpine Marsh Violet (Viola palustris) that looks the same as the soecies you mention and the Red-stemmed Violet. The Alpine Marsh Violet I ruled out cause it is endangered in NH and has a few traits these Violets are not showing. I will look into the species you mention more closely cause these could very well be just that. Will have to examine the plants again but still leaning towards them being the Red-stemmed Violets but you could be right. Thank you very much for your help and bring that species of Violets to my attention. I greatly appreciate it.