A stimulating effect on the plant’s growth

Discussion in 'Plants: Science and Cultivation' started by syazwan, Feb 22, 2004.

  1. syazwan

    syazwan Member

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    In general,it seems trimming a plant will have a stimulating effect on the plant’s growth.Why is it so?Will eating of the plant parts by bugs,worms,cattles,etc create the same effect?
  2. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    "Trimming" a plant involves removing apical meristems. Apical meristems produce hormones that suppress the growth of nearby meristems, so removal of the meristem by any means--animal feeding, pruning, storm damage, etc.--reduces the downstream effects of the hormones. The phenomenon (i.e., lateral growth suppression) is known as apical dominance.
  3. Elmore

    Elmore Active Member 10 Years

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    North Alabama USA
    Sensitive to stimulation

    I hear that Prozac is now in our water table. I think Viagra, Cialis and Levitra must now be in our water supply as evidenced by this photo of a Ginkgo biloba 'Mayfield' that I chip budded in June 2004 from dormant scion wood. This photo was made 8-17-04 but the graft has been growing like Pinocchio's nose from just a few weeks of grafting in June. The plants in the photo, adjacent to this anomaly, are also Ginkgo biloba 'Mayfield' budded at the same time. They show a more typical growth pattern. Most chip budded Ginkgoes that I am familiar with put out only a simple set of leaves in the first season of growth. It may be the water or what's in the water. Go figure. I need a drink.

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