My dogs cought this "and killed it" and she was playing with it like it was a trophie... It is a babby snake, its 11in long. Queston 1: what type of snake is it?? Queston 2: Is it Poisness?? Queston 3: How many babbies do you think the parents gave birth to?? **sorry this isnt plant related**
I believe it's a copperhead, you can tell by the two dots in each of the lighter areas, yes it is poisonous, Your pooch was lucky not to get bitten. To be sure of it's Id. you should take it to your game and wildlife dept for varification. Check this web site. it'll give you pics of different ages of the copper and you can see that your looks like it. I'm passionate about non-poisonous snakes, I have a corn snake has a pet.
Wow it sure is thanks a million, sorry I havent replied to this sooner Ive ben so cought up in other things :)
Yes, it's a copperhead. It's just a new guy, too....I'm bigger into herpetoculture than horticulture, if that says anything!
This post is starting to get more and more off topic... This is my pet Spike 3yrs. old he is a Bearded Dragon.
Awesome beardie! Thank you for sharing the picture, here is a picture of my baby "Pandora." The hemostats in the picture are 48" and when I measured him with string it came out to 6'1/2". He's maybe 5 or 6 years old. I've had him since he was only about 16" long! The picture of him eating, is a XXXXL rat!
One way if the snake has been killed and you're unfamiliar with it here in the states? Non venemous snakes have a 'zipper' for a in the last bit of the underside will show split scales. The venemous fellows have straight lines all the way to the tip. (or rattles) Copperheads are live-bearers with 1-14 babies. The young are a bit more venemous as well as they inject all at once a stronger concentration of toxin. Few people have died from them but u're dogs probably wouldn't make it if one were bit.
Okay gang, here's some pics of my one year old Corn snake Simon. If you ever see these, don't kill them, they're great for rodent control.