Just a quick pic of a small planting in an area of my garden near a stand of Phyllostaychys vivax bamboo. Cheers, LPN.
Carol, Yes and no. Phoenix canariensis yes, and I used an enclosure last winter (no supplimental heat). Chamaerops humilis no, although my enclosure is large enough that it covers both at the moment. Cheers, LPN.
Barrie, Your CIDP looks super after the last winter. Has it put on much new growth this year so far? You may need to put a sky lite in that portable greenhouse! The P. theophrasti you gave me sure is growing well. I have had to pot up 2x this year already. It seems all the Pheonix palms put down long roots. I have 2 I started from date seeds this past Xmas (Phoenix dactylifera) that I had in 1 gallons sitting in a garden bed. I tried to move them and the roots had grown out the bottom holes and 8 inches into the dirt!