Here are some pics of my A. Shirasawanum Aureum. I got this tiny boy a month ago from a WA nursery. It came with almost any leaves remaining (it lost all of them in few days after arrived). I was thinking that due fall it won't develop new leaves until next spring. However, looks that the unusual high temperatures here (mid 70s during the day / mid 40s nights) are cheating this baby plant. Of course the leaves are wonderful; but at the same time I'm affraid that next cold front will affect these tender sprouts. My main concern is if it will have some permanent damage, moreover knowing how tricky could be to grow an AS Aureum in this area. Any suggestion? Thanks Nelran
my aureum in zone 9 have good health,i presume that in zone 8 ,not have problem,is total hardy for Dirk van Gelderen in "Maples for the gardens "the USA zone is 6 .... ciao alex
I would take some steps to protect the plant if really cold weather is predicted. As it is in a pot this should be quite easy to do
Thanks guys. I keep watching the wheater. Now it look here like we are in spring. pretty sunny with temp all the time between 70s and 80s. Winter time? It didn't arrive yet .... :)