This one's for you, Joclyn, and all the other purple freaks out there.... Once they're ID'd if you want to see the whole flower, just ask. Same rules as the Red Flower Test, except that more of the species in this one are endemic to Ecuador, and I've used tighter closeups to confuse the issue. Points for Family on #1, #12, #16 and #17 (I can't get them narrower than that.) Points for Genus, species if possible on all others. Super duper extra bonus points for the Kichua common name of #18 and the province in Ecuador to which it is endemic. Awesome bonus round points for a description of the scent of #3 and #13 Best of luck!
Early Birdy Worm Spaghetti Prize to Micheal F for correct id on #1, #8, and #15. Care to venture a species for #15, anyone? Joclyn gets super bonus purple points for recognising a variegated periwinkle without seeing the foliage. And regular old points for the ID on #4 - Purple Heart
Absolutely. Everything except for #6 are real honest-to-spuds flowers. Most of what is pictured in #6 is technically a bract. Once you're all thoroughly disgusted with me, I'll post the whole flower for #20.
7 is an orchid from vilcabambia - zamora region. the link is bad, so i haven't gotten the name of it yet.
id's confirmed so far: #1 - Asteraceae #4 - commelinaceae tradescantia pallida - purple heart #8 - Large Periwinkle Vinca major - variegated - apocynaceae #15 - Solanum sp.
And you can confirm #13 as a Passiflora, but it's not incarnata. Pretty accurate on the smell, though.
#12 was not an orchid; last time I checked, it was a tree. #13 is still a passiflora, but not alata. You might want to consider that I grew it as food, not flowers. #14 is indeed Nicandra physalodes. Despite the common name, it was growing near Ibarra (much closer to Colombia than Peru) #20 is not Akebia. Colour's pretty similar, though, ain't it? I Speak For The Trees is running a Purple Flower Showcase, which will feature some of the answers (after you get them, of course, let's keep this fun!) and other purple flowers until such time as the Stumper ends. And here's the Key to Date!