A place to post and chat about plant pics...

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by The Hollyberry Lady, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    I am so ecstatic to be soon receiving a beautiful new banana variety called 'Siam Ruby' from Bob, on IBS!!! He just offered it to me, when he heard about my stolen banana and other plants.

    I just couldn't believe when I googled it and saw how gorgeous it was. Check it out...

    : O

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  2. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England
    [QUOTESo nice waking up this morning knowing with certainty that my plants would all still be here, unharmed and untouched! I will show pictures of my new display - I added a few of the many plants in my apartment to make up for the stolen ones. It is not the same and not nearly as unique and ornamental, but it is making the best out of a bad situation, and at least the back door is not bare and lifeless. I couldn't have it.

    HBL did I miss something? Did they catch the thieves? I certainly hope so!! Glad to know that you can have the confidence to put your treasures outside again.

  3. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    No, the thieves were not caught yet unfortunately, but at least I know they will never get my plants again. I will not allow them to ruin what I love, and I will carry on with the gardening like I always have. It's nice actually bringing them in at night, knowing they'll still be there in the morning.

    : )
  4. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

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    Ontario, Canada...zone 5b
    Those plants are so pretty everyone.

    Good for you Sherry, it was a learning experience, and a painful one at that, time to move on, and rebuild, and know that they wont get you again~~~!

    I am soooo tired today, what a long day i had yesturday~~
  5. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England
    Oh I see, I get it now. So long as your enjoyment isnt spoiled then thats the main thing.

    Hopefully all the other things you are planning to grow will come through nicely for you HBL.

    On another note, I nearly had a disaster this weekend. I noticed the leaves on my Bananas in the conservatory were getting a dry white mold on them or thats what it looked like. When I looked closer they were full of a type of white spider mite that are only just visible with the naked eye. They were spreading on to my Brugmansia as well make its leaves go faded.

    I sprayed it straight away with a Derris solution I mix and I havent found any more since but the leaves were crawling with them. They have killed some of my leaves and I'm going to have to chop them off I'm afraid. It will spoil the look of them for a while which is a shame as they are flourishing otherwise. and are a metre high. Just goes to show how vigilant you have to be. I don't know where they came from or how they got on my trees.

  6. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England
    You best make the most of that Derris Nath, its now been banned by the EC.
  7. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England
    Beautiful banana plant HBL!

    I see you want pics lol so...

    My Swan's neck is gallaping along..

    The Geranium is a garden next to my sisters home.

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  8. ShearMe

    ShearMe Active Member

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    Dallas, USA (Zone 8a)
    I didn't want to break the number, but I'm sure we'll get to 10,000 in no time. I bought a nice shower wand and can now water my plants in half the time! This is especially handy since it is beneficial to water plant in the AM and I've got school now-a-days.
  9. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Neat about your shower wand, Zac - I have one too. Great you are watering in the morning too.

    Yes, Katalina, that is one gorgeous red banana - I am glad you like it. I just couldn't believe how beautiful it is. My mom thought it was so nice that people are mailing me things because of what happened! I am so touched by it. ShearMe, is another sweetheart, who actually went out and bought me a banana plant and is mailing it to me!!!

    : O

    What a kind, caring person you are, Zac! I want you to know that it is so much appreciated and it really warms my heart, after such a terrible experience. Makes me think of happy things, instead of sad. Thank you. What a good friend you are.

    Yes, Penny - it is time to move on, and I have already started to bring more plants outside to replace the stolen ones. Even though I am moving forward, that really did do a number on me, and truly, I am still reeling from it. I do take comfort knowing that it will never happen again though.

    Nath, I too had mites on my indoor banana plant - didn't realize they were prone to them or I would have guarded against them far sooner. I just use a spray bottle filled with plain dishsoapy water, and I spray the leaves top and bottom, then rince with cool water. Repeat the next day. The third day just do a clear water shower of the leaves - be sure to rince the bottoms of the leaves most especially because this is where mites reside.

    To prevent mites from returning - shower 1-2 times per week with a hard spray of clear water. I have been practicing these methods for years, and have had total success with keeping mites away, both indoors and out. You must be consistent however, because skipping the weekly showers on plants that mites are attracted to, especially inside where there are no beneficial insects to kill them off, could just mean - and likely would mean another infestation.

    : O

    Forget about pesticides and insecticides, and all that other junk. It truly is a waste of money anyway, and doesn't hold up over the long haul - having you constantly running back to the store to shell out more bucks!

    I have natural remedies to offer, that are tried, tested, and true. If you have any garden plants that are getting chewed all to hell - I hope you remember my spice concoctions that will send the bugs running for the hills...

    Just today, I was at the store buying some more whole cloves and bayleaf, to make a circle of the spices around some of my plants in the gardens. If you don't make a complete circle around the stem, the bugs can get through, and onto your plants. How did it work out for you, ShearMe?...

    By the way - nice pics, Katalina!

    : )
  10. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England

    I didnt know that about Derris, just bought some stuff in Wilkos after it said it was effective against White Spider Mite. May have had it for a year though.

    HBL I will try your remedy and see how I get on. I know that with Bananas you have to get all of the soap off other wise the leaves brown and dry out.

  11. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England
    We used to use it on the alottment, we all did so it comes as a surprise its a banned substance.

    HBL, tell me more about the bug remedy please, and its ok for crawling bugs, what about the fliers. Something sure ate my Lillies (red Beetles) being one, but also something totally demolished (I think Vine Weevil) my Fuchia.
  12. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

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    Ontario, Canada...zone 5b
    Hmmmm, do you have a spice concocotion for bugs eating my Hosta's....they are really doing a number on them.
  13. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Nath - not just with banana, but with all plants, it is very important to rinse the leaves of soap very thoroughly due to the reasons you mentioned. Plain water is the absolute best weapon against spider mites. If you follow my instructions, you will win the battle completely.

    For crawling, chewing bugs in the garden - boy have I got the answer for them...

    Get yourself some whole cloves, bayleaf, crushed chili peppers, and some fresh or even granulated garlic. You now have the spices that will send the bugs packing! For earwigs and other creepy crawly critters, make a complete circle of torn pieces of bayleaf around the stem of your plant. The spices shouldn't touch the stem, but be pretty close. If the problem is severe, make the circle thicker.

    On top of the pieces of bayleaf, or beside it, make another circle of the whole cloves which will deter ants and other bugs too.

    Then add a thin layer of cruched chili peppers, and garlic, if you are really having a nuisance of a problem.

    You must be on top of it the rest of the season, adding fresh spices once a week or every two weeks, depending on your results. You must also add new spices after it rains. It isn't enough to just throw some spice down and forget about it the rest of the season, because like anything, the spice loses it's potency over time and needs to be refreshed to be effective.

    Not too sure about flying bugs, because they don't really bother my plants at all here. Putting some of the spices directly on the leaves can burn them. I would try a few cloves strewn about the leaves, just to get the smell going - maybe this could deter them. I would test one leaf first to see what effect the cloves have on it. I experiment all the time to see what works best.

    I have 4 shrubs outside that are one of bug's favorites to munch on - Lycium Barbarum. If it weren't for my spices, I know they would be nothing but twigs! They are all growing completely untouched and unchewed because of the spices. I just love it. These shrubs to the bugs, are like steak to a lion, and they would have absolutely devoured them if I didn't do what I do.

    Hope this advice helps you, because I've been doing it for years, with excellent results. Be consistent, and the bugs don't stand a chance.

    : )
  14. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Penny - follow my advice above, and your problem is over!

    : )
  15. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ontario, Canada...zone 5b
    Hey thanks......i will give that a try once it stops raining here.

    Thankfully i always have my spice cupboard stocked, so i have everything needed.
  16. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    It's gonna rain all day today here too.

    : (

    You are going to see a major improvement in your Hostas Penny - guaranteed. I had an ornamental cabbage that was being chewed so badly by bugs, it looked hideous! I put my spice concoction down and within a week it began to grow new, beautiful, unchewed leaves. It hasn't been bothered since.

    : )
  17. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

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    Ontario, Canada...zone 5b
    Its funny because its only been in the last few days that they've started to chew on my hosta's, all summer they have been left alone.......not now though.

    But i am going to try that spics mixture later though.
    Thanks again
  18. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Yes, good thinking to wait until after the rain to apply the spices.

    Be sure to make a full circle Penny, with no gaps in it for the bugs to get through. Your Hostas will be happy once again - you'll see...

    : )
  19. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

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    Ontario, Canada...zone 5b
    I'm off, but i will try it later Sherry..

    Thank you again.............:):)
  20. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    My indoor Medusa peppers...

    : )

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  21. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England
    Peppers look very nice HBL but I could'nt eat them.

    I could grow them for color.

    Thanks for the bug tip, its certainly worth a try. Nothing much being eaten but in spring a Lily never made it from last year except for three leaves, the rest had been eaten.

    Then of course the Vine Weevil completely stripped a Fuchia I managed to keep from last winter.
  22. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Trust me Katalina, if you practice my spice tips, you will not be disappointed - at least for the crawlers.

    Yes, I love them for ornamental beauty also - but I eat them as well. I intend on sending you some extremely ornamental varieties in the Fall, when I have a whole whack of seeds!!! I especially want you to have "Little Blue Pot'.


    Guess what?...

    I just got your seeds!!!!!

    : O

    Thank you so much for them. I am rushing off to sow some now. Those Chilly Chilli plants are gorgeous. I must share some with Katalina as well. I hope you receive my seeds soon too...

    : )

    P.S. Katalina, I forgot to tell you and Penny before that I sent you 10 blue cornflower seeds each! I wanted you to be able to grow a big bouquet of them if you wanted.
  23. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Lancashire , England
    Thanks HBL very kind after your ordeal,

    PM sent when you have sown your new seeds.
  24. PennyG

    PennyG Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ontario, Canada...zone 5b
    What a beautiful pepper plant Sherry.......very nice.

    I have some more pepper seeds drying myself, picked some Roumanian, Hungarian, Portugal, and Hot Cherry's today, saved all the seeds.....and a few different tomatoes too.

    Also have some daisy's, and white and pink coneflowers drying as well.

    THANK YOU Sherry for the cornflowers, i cant wait to get them, and i will pass Katalina's along when i get mine.

    My Chinese Chocolate peppers are almost ready to pick, and thats the only hold up on sending you your seeds Sherry...but you wont be disappointed for waiting..:)
  25. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Thanks Penny - I sent you seeds for that medusa kind too.

    Oh my goodness no - I don't mind waiting for something special! I hope you get my seeds shortly, but I will be mailing you a whole whack of other varieties in the Fall too.

    : )

    P.S. Here's my yellow gypsy fruit, blushed with purple on the bottom. Soon it will turn red...

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009

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