Hi there. I run a small nursery on Haida Gwaii. I've started Asparagus (for vegetable, not foliage) to be ready to sell in 2 to 3 years. I planted January 5, they've all germinated and are doing quite well. My question is should I pinch them back as they are getting quite tall. They're foliage is developing nicely, but as I said, they are tall. The 'grow on' temp is about 17 Celcius, which they're at, so they are not heat stressed. Question 2: Swiss Chard (Beta spp.) are actually a fruit that has 3 to 6 seeds per 'seed'. Should I pinch out the weaker ones and keep only the stongest seedling? I haven't read anything of this sort in my books, but intuitively, it makes sense. Thanks to all. Andrea
I would temper them for out door planting soon are they will perish at that temp., they prefer cool temperatures, and that is why they grow so quickly in the spring, then set seed by June. Pinch away... the chard....