Hey, I have a couple more plants I'm trying to figure out.... I'm fairly certain the first is sage (Salvia?), but I'm curious if there are types that aren't useful for cooking before I start harvesting a few leaves.... the second one is a smallish shrub with a lot of flower stems growing about a foot and a half out of it...this photo was taken about a month back. Since then, the ends of the flower stems have gotten rings of what I think are purple flowers, but they haven't bloomed yet. The third photo is a close up of the leaves and flower stem of the second plant. Thanks! Laura
Purple flowers look like sage and the one on the log, lavender. Probably a case where scent will give a good idea of id. Margaret
Just a second thought. The purple one could also be lavender but it would be easier to identify with a photo of the leaves. The scent should id.