Hello again Any chance I could get some help identifying these 2 flowers taken in London's parks last summer? Thanks in advance :) Clarke
Pink one is a garden strain of strawflower, botanical name Xerochrysum bracteatum, synonyms Bracteantha bracteata, Helichrysum bracteatum. Orange one I can't place, inless it's a strain of Rudbeckia hirta.
I call the first one straw flower, paper flower or everlasting "Acroclinium" ?? could the second one be a gazania??? Liz
Once again, many thanks for your prompt ID's. There's no way I could have got these named by myself :) Clarke
I suspect Liz may be right about "Acroclinium", as they are still known in the cut-flower and seed trades, though current botanical name is Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea. "Strawflower" is a common name both for this and Xerochrysum.
The other thing I noticed when looking up names, they are both Australia. Is it possible they are one and the same??? Liz