Took these photos at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, a month ago. The seed pods (?) are shown in the last two photos, next to a pen and a few Cupresus cones. Anyone know what it is ? Thanks in advance.
Could it possibly be a Grevillea? This pic is on the University of California web site.
Having Googled a great many photos, it looks to me like the plant is more likely a Banksia than a Grevillea. But no good match anywhere. So I sent an e-mail to the San Diego WAP, requesting that they ID it. Stay tuned....
From further Googling, it appears that the plant is more likely from the Myrtaceae family -- possibly Melaleuca, Callistemon, or Darwinia.
I think that all I could smell was the dung from the nearby elephant compound :O) Sorry, I really don't recall any noticeable smell....
I just received a reply from the Lead Gardener at the park. Here's what he writes: Thanks again for the reply, Robert.
So I got a bunch of seeds from a supplier in south-western Australia. Mostly Calothamnus species, but also Regalia velutina and Beaufortia decussata. The Calothamnus seeds are almost microscopic -- as are the seedlings that come up..... Has anyone else here tried to propagate these ? .....the germination rate for some of them is pretty low.