Is anyone able to identify this plant that takes up a piece of my new back yard? I have attached 2 photos. I have also placed images of the flower at: Thank you, Russell
Thanks. I think Bromeliad is probably correct (Aechmea mariae-reginae?), now that you mention it. The plant is big on the ground - about 3 metres in diameter and intimidating. The flax-like leaves are 'razor' edged. It is circular with a "no-mans-land" (you wouldn't like to be there) in the middle. But beautiful vivid flowers coming out at the end of winter/early spring here in Auckland NZ. The flowers are relatively few and fragile, however. Bug and disease prone? I wonder, is there a good treatment? Further links can be found at: Russell
I have a Bilbergia Nutans with those razor sharp leaves, but different flowers, although still the Bromeliad family I imagine, which are related to pineapples ..... see some here: I thought the second pic of a Bromeliad on the page link I included looked a very similar type to Russells also. :) I have found they don't like too much water in Winter as they are tree dwellers & need similar conditions to Orchids I'd imagine.
Yes it seems that Bilbergia is the species of Bromeliad & there are many varieties & shapes Also Ananas Comosus, (Pineapple) has a similar flower ..... see attachment