8 October 2017 Straining Method

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    http://durgan.org/2017/October%202017/8%20October%202017%20Straining%20Method/HTML/ 8 October 2017 Straining Method
    Two methods are generally used to strain food that has been juiced. The first is a food mill very common and a two mm mesh screen is used. If the residue is liquidity then it is put through a Champion juicer. This effectively extracts all nutrients. For special occasions a cotton cheese cloth is used, but the food mill is a excellent tool and meets most straining applications. The system is relatively quick and easy to clean up. After straining the juice is processed in a Pressure cooker (canner) at 15 PSI for 15 minutes for long term storage at room temperature.

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