7 March 2016 Chitting Potatoes

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    http://durgan.org/2016/March%202016/7%20March%202016%20Chitting%20Potatoes/HTML/ 7 March 2016 Chitting Potatoes
    Chitting potatoes is the process of growth under bright light conditions to form green shoots from the eyes. This gives the seed stock an early start. Chitting takes about six weeks to get green growth shoots about 1.5 cm long. My outdoors planting date is about the 15 of April if the weather is warm enough in my Zone 5. The potatoes selected were Yukon Gold and Pontiac Red. The larger seed potatoes were cut in half. Both these type of potatoes produce from 4 to 8 pounds per plant depending upon conditions.

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