The base of this palm is less than 12 inches out of the dirt in the pot. Has positively been around for atleast 40 years maybe 50 and I can't find anything like it anywhere, I am asking everyone. Its leaves are a good 6 feet above the stock and the gentleman that it belongs to have only seen one other in his 91 years as a gardener.
Welcome to the Forum! Are you sure that this handsome plant IS a palm...? Yucca, maybe? Fear not: I am certain that it will be quickly IDed. Whatever its identity, it is clearly well-tended!
It doesn't grow like a yucca. It's stock is almost as wide as it is high. I would say about 10 inches across and 12 inches high. And thank you, I care a great deal about all the gardens I tend. This plant is actually being willed to me but I would like to know more about it so I can care for it better.