5 June 2016 Indian Corn Five rows of Indian corn, colored, was planted. This will give about sixty plants, which I use for making nixtamalized cereal. The seeds were placed in water in a warm place for about 30 hours to sprout prior to planting. Spacing was 8 inches and depth about 1.5 inches. The boards will be placed over the small shoots for a few days to discourage birds. 14 June 2016 Indian Corn The Indian corn is up about three inches. All grew. No bird damage so far. 29 July 2016 Indian Corn The patch of Indian corn is thriving. No bird or squirrel damage. Some stalks are ten feet in height. 11 September 2016 Indian Corn My 8 by 8 foot patch of Indian Corn was harvested and husked today. One bushel basket was obtained. It will be thoroughly dried in the Sun and shelled and weighed. The shelled corn will be nixtamalized and made into gruel (cereal) and some used for making tortillas. 14 September 2016 Shelling Corn A bushel of Indian Corn cobs had the kernels removed using a manual Corn Sheller. A total of 23 pounds was obtained, which was winnowed, and set to dry in a screened container. It must be very dry for storage or it molds. Pictures depict the process.