5 July 2019 Chickpea Tempeh Posted on July 5, 2019 by Durgan 5 July 2019 Chickpea Tempeh5 July 2019 Chickpea Tempeh Chickpea tempeh was produced. These pictures are after 30 hours fermentation at 31C. I will ferment at room temperature another 24 hours before freezing or refrigeration for storage until use. Method: Boil for 25 minutes, remove skins by rubbing and pouring off skins about five times. Cook for 1.5 hours in water to soften. Drain and cool and add a tablespoon of vinegar. Mix well.Add tempeh starter and mix. Place in molds, I line with a piece of cotton. Ferment at 31C for 30 hours. Object is to have the beans processed to become one relatively homogeneous block. Each mold is about a pound of tempeh.
Allowed to ferment longer about 42 hours total. 6 July 2019 Chickpea tempeh6 July 2019 Chickpea tempeh