4 December 2016 Sweet Potato Slips The last of my sweet potato from the 2016 crop was set aside to grow six slips. My procedure is to place the potato in soil just below the surface and let it grow in light. The slips grew well (25 days) and were removed and placed in water for about a week to develop stronger roots. Then they will be planted in a pot to grow, until planted in the outdoor garden. I find the growth is excellent using this method, and it is convenient since only six plants are required. 11 December 2016 Sweet Potato Slips The sweet potato slips have been in water for about a week to form roots and were planted into individual pots to continue growth. Apparently one can eat the vegetation as a green, which will be tried if the plants get too large before time to plant out in June. The plants were placed in a window with sunlight available. 1 January 2017 Sweet Potato Slips My six sweet potato slips are outgrowing their pots so were transplanted into a larger container. They were placed in the greenhouse. Establishing strong roots prior to planting in the outdoor garden improves production.