the frst one is a vine and the leves on it are in a perfect heart shape it latley has ben growing fast and I would like to move it to a better place, the second plant I recentle got from somone who didn't know what it was. heres was growing in full sun and watered it when the soil went dry it has bean like seed pods and when mature it has tons of flowers? it looked like it was 5 1/2ft tall.
Top one probably the widespread climbing knotweed with the black seeds, can't remember the botanical name. The Portulaca is one other than the needle-leaved P. grandiflora, a flatter- and broader-leaved species which I have also seen before but am again not remembering the species name of.
Not morning glory, this is Polygonum convolvulus os P.scandens as Ron suggested. Check leaves nodes (where leave is attched to the stem) or post close-up picture here.
I have some of this stuff in my field: but it isnt it. :(
Is there a smaller name for this, I cant find anything on Polygonum convolvulus os P.scandens on google?
maby its my Computer but I am still getting nothing??? I hate to sound so needy but can I have some sites?
Curious if this link works for you?