Here are three plants that I cant for the life of me figure out what they are. The one with the red berries has 2" caliper and is 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide. The one with the blue flower has a 4" diameter trunk and is 8 feet tall (sage?) The tree is 65 feet tall but the name dies not come to mind. These are all located in Southern California. Thank you in advance for you help! Will
The first picture is possibly of a variety of Cotoneaster. I have no idea what the second plant is. More pictures with closeups of the leaves and bark would be useful clues to the ID of the third tree, but I wonder if it may be a black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia.
Agree with Cotoneaster for #1, and Boraginaceae for #2. #3 looks like it might be something in the Acacia - Albizia group of genera (numerous options)
#3 might be Grevillea robusta? #2 could be an Echium species. E. candicans is the most commonly grown.
I can confirm David's hunches that #3 is Grevillea robusta and #2 is Echium candicans. #2 looks like Cotoneaster pannosus.