Another flower from the Philippines (most likely originates elsewhere). If necessary I can dig around the roots a bit to see what form the root is. Any ideas ? Matt
Thanks everyone, the Philippines have loads of fascinating indigenous plants but almost all the plants I can't recognise seem to have been imported :( I have a couple of Medinilla to try :) Matt
I have the same problem here in Ecuador - we have many interesting endemic plants, and I see Hydrangeas everywhere. I'm doing my personal best to only grow locals, outside of my food garden (gotta have real tomatoes and sweet corn!)
Agapanthus africans the name lets you know it's origins.... My favourite is 'Snowball' Dwarf growing very nice white flowers. They also come in dwarf blue, deep purple, pale pink, double flowering and white, that I have seen. My only dislike (hence none in my yard) is they are very seasonal flowerers, leaving a leafy clump through 8-9 months of the year!