Hello, any help Identifying these lichens would be graeatly appreciated. Even if only to family or other general taxa. 1. On a rock at 8,000 feet in Italian Alps http://www.pbase.com/mshields/image/83714666 2. On a shady rock-side in northern New Jersey. http://www.pbase.com/mshields/image/83714671 3. On an exposed rocky outcrop, northern New Jersey. http://www.pbase.com/mshields/image/83714672 Thanks for any help! MShields
#2 might be a species of Peltigera or Parmelia. Don't know the other two, though they both look 'familiar' (i.e., I've seen similar lichens but don't know their names either).
1) Rhizocarpon sp. 2) Umbilicaria hirsuta Harri Harmaja http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/harmaja/index.htm