I've been looking all over to identify this vine.....the stem is reddish brown; the backs of the leaves are reddish brown. The front of the leaf is quite green. There are three leaves. The flowers (now in September) are light purple in a spray, look sort of like a sweet pea. It sort of matches the Kudzu vine, but the leaf is not quite like that, nor is the stem ropy. It's growing in Ontario and has just moved to BC. Anyone seen anything like this?
update 3 leaved leguminous vine Hi, I tried to edit my previous message half an hour ago with a photo, no luck. So, here are photos.....I'm hoping someone will know what this vine is. In case you can't find the previous message, the vine has 3 leaves as per photo. A spray of light purple flowers now flowering in September. Front of leaf quite green; back of leaf more brownish red. Stem smooth brownish red. this is growing in Ontario and has moved to B.C. Thanks......
I'd be interested to know what you mean by "this is growing in Ontario and has moved to B.C." - a cultivated plant in Ontario that was transplanted to a garden in BC?
Thank you RoseMarie. I'm checking it out. Daniel, yes, this plant was cultivated in Ontario and transplanted to B.C.